Quality improvement is one of the most important factors of our enterprise. This is crucial when the struggle is for a strategically important sector of the Russian economy. In the context of economic restrictions and the policy of import substitution, the most important task is the efficiency of Russian production, which can be ensured by the appropriate quality of the product only. 

Continuous work on improvement of production indicators of quality is conducted in each division of Solar Silicon technologies, LLC. The basis of the company’s strategy in terms of quality of products is to meet the needs of the customer. The strategy of continuous improvement of our company’s work has been being built in the following way for several months: the best achievements of the previous period are becoming the basis of the next plan. 

During 2018, a number of technical measures were introduced: modernization of the park of technological equipment ; training of all teaching staff ; reorganization of production units; the analysis and analytics of the mistakes of the past periods;  scheduled meetings on quality matters are being held ;  the   indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of production units are introduced into the motivational system; the involvement of personnel in all stages of problem solving is carried out. 

An analysis of all of the above-mentioned performance showed a successful result due to orchestrated efforts. Namely, people are the core value of Solar Silicon technology, LLC and the price of this resource is incredibly high. Higher performance in production technology requires a huge investment in knowledge, each employee of our company is a unique expert, whose value on the market is constantly increasing due to continuous training. 

In order to achieve higher performance in technology, confirming our mission of continuous work for improvement, the company does not stop there: we are working on improvement of the process’s efficiency, introducing elements of high-tech production, establishing work with suppliers, improving approaches to the operation and maintenance of equipment. 

We understand that the implementation of these plans will give us the opportunity to reach uppermost indicators posed by the company’s management. We are confident, and there is every reason to it, that we will achieve these results.