The priority direction in the activity of Solar Silicon technologies, LLC is safety of working conditions, as well as protection of life and health of each employee. Due to the fact that our company implements the construction of technically complex facilities, introducing the most innovative industrial safety systems, there is a need to increase the level production safety. As a result, measures to improve the efficiency of labor activity in the field of protection of health of the employees are taken. 

Solar Silicon technology, LLC strictly observes the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental, fire and industrial safety, as well as in the field of labor protection, timely implementing additional measures to improve continuous operation of production facilities. 

The system of industrial safety and labor protection includes effective management of potential risks, bringing the necessary requirements of labor protection to each employee of the organization and ensuring their timely execution and, as a result, reducing to a minimum emergencies and accidents. Each employee is aware of the personal responsibility for the safety of his own life and health, which is assigned to him in the production process, strictly following the accident prevention. 

Solar Silicon technologies is fully responsible to society for the preservation of the environment and the rational use of natural resources, improving and introducing new processes that will minimize the negative impact on the environment. 

Work safety at the facilities of the enterprise, mandatory compliance with the requirements of labor protection and industrial safety, environmental conservation are the fundamental principles of Solar Silicon technologies.